Registration is required: here
Monday June 20th
Workshop | 11h00- 18h00
With Martin Howse

Opening of installations and games | 18h00
1′ min talk per author & Interludes by Sei Miguel

Adriana Sá & John Klima ==> Space Torsion
André Sier ==> Honey Krater
Isabel Valverde & Todd Cochrane & JE Solo & Clara Gomes & Bárbara Teixeira & Mostafa Swapan & António Ruivo ==> Senses Places
Ivo Louro ==> Weather World Harp
Nikolas Gomes ==> Concerto para Piano e Pandemia
Nuno Torres ==> Spectrum

André Feldberg & Felipe Sussuarana & Joana Barros & João Frade ==> Dungeon X
Andreas Melo & Fernando Soares & Filipe Silva & Pedro Fernandes ==> HexPong
Sofia Telo ==> Aneurysm

Performances | 20h00
Eleonora Oreggia / xname ==> REBUS
Olivier Perriquet & Maria do Mar ==> Chance meeting of a Prepared projector and a Violin

Tuesday June 21st
Performative arena – historical and philosophical views | 11h30-13h00
José Bragança de Miranda
Luis Cláudio Ribeiro & José Gomes Pinto
Boris Debackere (remote, Netherlands)
Round table: Boris Debackere (remote, Netherlands) & Luis Cláudio Ribeiro & José Gomes Pinto

Mediation and body | 14h30-16h30
Miguel Carvalhais
Alex McLean (remote, UK) & Kate Sicchio (remote, USA)
Showcase: Stephen Whitmarsh (remote, France) & Atau Tanaka (remote, UK)
Roundtable: Alex McLean (remote, UK) & Kate Sicchio (remote, USA) & Miguel Carvalhais & Stephen Whitmarsh (remote, France) & Atau Tanaka (remote, UK)

Participatory demos | 16h30-19h00
Performances | 19h00
Gerard Roma (remote, UK) & Anna Xambó (remote, UK) ==> Shreds
Martin Howse ==> The Final Session

Wednesday June 22nd
Mediation and environment | 11h00-13h00
Felipe Portela (remote, France)
Rosemary Lee
Jamie Perera (remote, UK)
Round table: Martin Howse & Ivo Louro

Mediation and social behaviours | 14h30-16h30
Sally J. Norman (remote, New Zealand)
John Klima
Round table: Nikolas Gomes & Diogo Vasconcelos
Raphael Perret (remote, Switzerland)

Break | 16h30-17h00
Performance | 17h00
Oyvind Brandtsegg (remote, Norway) & Helena Marinho & Rui Penha & Bruno Pereira ==> The not even remotely dead cats

Talk at Human Entities | 18h30
With Paola Torres at Palácio Sinel de Cordes, Campo Santa Clara, Lisboa
Thursday June 23rd
In-between the analogue and the digital | 15h00-17h30
Thor Magnusson (remote, Greece)
Chris Kiefer (remote, UK)
Round table: Adriana Sá & Jonas Runa & Gonçalo Gato & Oyvind Brandtsegg (remote, Norway)
Showcase: Club of the knobs – Kazike & Rajele Jain

Break | 17h30-18h00
Performances | 18h00
Paola Torres ==> KhipuKoding
Alex McLean (remote, UK) & Kate Sicchio (remote, USA) & Audience ==> Code for dance

Closing dinner